A LinkedIn profile for an effective social media presence

More than 500 million users are already on LinkedIn.

To begin with, fill out the Approval form for advertising materials and have it approved by your Branch manager, RVP and the Communications Department.

Why advertise on Linkedin

  • Promote your professional identity
  • Find new potential clients
  • Promote your expertise
  • Grow your network of contacts
  • Stay current on recent developments in your field

A professional web page in just minutes


Go to and click on Join now in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.



Complete the mandatory fields with your personal information.



Add your job title, the company where you work and your industry.

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Enter the verification code that was emailed to you.

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Begin adding contacts to create your network.

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A personalized page for greater visibility

Once you have created your LinkedIn profile, it’s time to stand out:

  • A professional profile picture with a neutral background: remember, you are representing your company.
  • A summary that represents you: attract people’s attention!
  • The skills that make you unique and recommendations.
  • Your training and career path: add your diplomas, degrees and distinctions.
  • Integrate your websites, blogs, Twitter account and professional Facebook profile to increase your visibility.

Other resources that may be of interest