Advantages of the function
- Make it easier for your potential and existing clients to schedule appointments
- Maximize your chances to generate sales online
- Benefit from a tool that is free and easy to use
- Show your availability to help during this difficult time
Ready in 6 easy steps!
Microsoft Bookings is the tool to use to schedule appointment online. Create your account.
Customize your calendar and publish it.
Go to your Facebook page.
Follow this Facebook procedure to add an action button.
Choose the Contact us button and insert the link to your Bookings appointment calendar.*
Inform your clients that you can help them meet their needs remotely. Use the Facebook posting guide to promote this new tool.
* The Book now button is currently in progressive deployment. Eventually, it will be possible for everyone to select this call-to-action and link your Bookings calendar.
If this option is available to you right now, we recommend that you use it.
A few more tools!
- Create a services menu, assigning different timeframes based on how long it takes to meet with your clients. Do not assign a monetary value to these services.
- Communicate with clients: Send reminders and appointment confirmation messages to reduce the number of clients who don’t show up for their appointment.
- Remember to confirm client appointments as soon as possible to reserve the spot in your agenda.