Facebook Ads: Much More than Posts

Posts are not the only way to advertise your services. You can promote your expertise even more using the ad tool for your professional Facebook page.

Why advertise on Facebook

  • Promote your page to a targeted clientele
  • Attract new clients
  • Encourage clients to use your services
  • Maximize reach for your posts

Facebook attracts over 2.6 billion users every month…

Start taking advantage of that audience now!

Just 5 easy steps to create your ad:



Determine the business goals you want to achieve with your ad.



Add a short text and pick an eye-catching and professional image to go with it.



Select the audience you want to reach based on age, gender, location, and several other available criteria such as family situation.



Designate a duration and a budget for your ad. After posting, check that everything is displaying correctly. Don’t forget to respond to comments.


Do's and Don'ts

Best practices for ads:

  • Make sure you include:
    Short and simple text: address the public directly
    An eye-catching image: your post should be 20% text maximum
    A clear call to action: e.g.: “Contact me”
  • Invite your clients to contact you by email or through the Facebook messaging app to stay in compliance with anti-spam legislation
According to this law, you cannot contact prospective clients by messaging or email, but you can target them in an ad!

Practices to avoid:

  • Making just one ad for all your objectives and targets: 1 objective and 1 target = one post
  • Allocating a huge budget, right at the start : do several tests and check the results
Determine your budget based on the number of people you want to reach. You can adjust your budget whenever you want!

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